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Monday, March 11, 2013

Musings: On Turning 60

I have always been an active person, into sports, exercise and not afraid to try most types of "sporty" activity. I played tennis and pelota for many, many years. Swimming and going to gym continues to be a weekly activity for me. Learned to play softball in my mid 40s and joined an all womans team playing in an all woman's league. Took scuba diving with my son and passed the licensing dive.  Went mountain climbing every week in Korea (which by the way is a national past time for Koreans). Took up golf about 5 years ago because my husband gave me a golf set and am now learning to play badminton, which is my husband's game of choice.
Injuries? a lot of those! Bumps and bruises, blisters, black eye, blood in the knee which had to be extracted by a giant needle, and a torn ACL ligament. But no matter the injury, I always bounced back!
But now I'm 60 and bouncing back is not as easy as it used to be. Recovering from intense exercise, can take a day or two of sedentary activities. Aches and pains in the joints, the knees are regular companions. Yoga and meditation have become the exercise of choice. And although I always said golf was too slow, the walk around the golf course has become more appealing than the running around a tennis court. This transition did not happen overnight, I guess it slowly creeped up on me.
This transition did not only happen in my sport life but also in most aspects of my life. I am no longer so driven, I can take it easy and not feel guilty about taking it easy. I enjoy my own company, I look for solitude. Friends are treasures, family, my fortune.
Physically, I look at myself and see the worry lines on my forehead, the laughter lines around my eyes, the chicken neck, the drooping eyelids. But I also see a serenity in my eyes, a knowing smile on my lips.
Yes I am 60 and on the day I turned 60, I became a senior citizen! And whenever I bring my senior citizen card out, I do so with pride! I have earned this! 
(For those who are interested, PsychConsult is sponsoring a talk on the life of and challenges facing seniors. Will post the date when it is finalized)

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